How To Look After Hair In A Heatwave

How to protect your hair from the sun

The recent hot weather in the UK has seen weather warnings now being issued for parts of the country as they approach 30C heat.

When it comes to looking after your hair, mcIntyres stocks a range of products by many professional brands that offer protection and repair from sun damage.

As the temperatures rise and the sun begins to beat down, we all start to worry about how to protect our skin from damage. But what about our hair? Just like our skin, our hair is susceptible to sun damage, which can lead to dryness, split ends, and even hair loss.

One of the best ways to protect our hair from sun damage is to keep it covered. Wear a hat or scarf when you’re going to be out in the sun for extended periods of time. If you’re swimming, wear a swim cap to keep your hair from soaking up too much water and becoming damaged.

In addition to covering your hair, you can also use products that contain SPF to help protect it from the sun’s harmful rays. Look for shampoos, conditioners, and styling products that contain SPF 15 or higher. Apply these products liberally, and reapply them throughout the day as needed.

By taking some simple precautions, you can help protect your hair from damage this summer. Arm yourself with some of our hand picked choices below.

Stay safe in this hot weather with this advice from the NHS which includes guidance on staying hydrated, avoiding heatstroke and looking out for elderly and those who might be worse affected.

Read the NHS guide on how to cope in hot weather.